So today’s task was to find 10 of the worst pick up lines, like, ever! So, we asked a bunch of humans what the most messed-up lines were… Lines that they had either used on a chick or had a dude pull on them…

Do not try these at home…or ever for that matter. But if you do let us know how it goes…down.

The results:

1. If I had to rate you from 1-10, I would rate you as a 9 because I am the one that you are missing.

2. Your daddy must be a drug dealer, cuz you’re dope.

3. Can I have your phone number? I seem to have lost mine.

4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk past again?

5. If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don’t worry. I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas.

6. Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.

7. You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.

8. If I followed you home, would you keep me?

9. What’s your name? Or don’t angels have names… just pretty faces?

10. I’m no Barney Rubble, but I’ll make your bed rock.

Got a worse pick up line you’d like to share with us? Leave a comment below.

*OutInCanberra will not be held responsible for spilt drinks, gouged eyeballs or broken noses as a result of using the aforementioned lines on anyone.