It’s that time of year again! And wow has it rolled around quickly! Amongst your busy schedules, Christmas parties and shopping for gifts, it’s always nice to unwind amongst the festivities and food comas. OutInSydney has sourced some of the best Christmas movies for your evenings to bring upon the Christmas cheer!

1. Family Stone
With a fruitful cast of Luke Wilson, Dianne Keaton, Rachel McAdams and more, the Family Stone takes you through a dysfunctional and a sometimes true depiction of family get togethers, with both the hilarious interactions and the unfortunate circumstances of life.

2. The Holiday
Also featuring an awesome cast with names such as Jack Black and Cameron Diaz, this is the story of 4 lives crossing over during Christmas holidays, from LA to London. The different stories allow for humour, home swaps, heartbreak and match making. This one can be watched over and over again, year after year (I know this from experience!)

3. The Grinch
Jim Carrey’s crazy persona in the story of the Grinch who stole Christmas is a funny, family appropriate classic. Based on the book by Dr Seuss (1966), his stories never do disappoint, especially not in the story of the green creature of Whoville who is renowned for hating Christmas. As they say in the movie “The term Grinchy shall apply when Christmas spirit is in short supply”.

4. Elf
An overgrown elf who grew up in Santa’s workshop (Will Ferrell) is undoubtedly going to be hilarious. This family classic is great for all ages and is a light and easy Christmas story of love and family acceptance, of a Christmas elf finding his way back home to New York City.

5. Home Alone
The staple Christmas comedy Home Alone is the unlikely story of an 8-year-old left at home on Christmas Eve. In the mad rush to the airport, Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) is left to his own devices while his extended family are mid flight for a family vacation, until his parents realise they have left something very important behind. One of a sequel of funny movies of Christmas hustle and bustle.