Three amazing bands for a wintery Canberra – NUNCHUKKA SUPERFLY, BENT HEN and YOKO OH NO.

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last twenty years you would have heard of THE HARD-ONS. Well the two arrogant yet unassuming pillars of that said band, Blackie and Ray have another band at their disposal – NUNCHUKKA SUPERFLY. Now this is a band that has Mike Patton, Jello Biafra, The Melvins and members of Helmet and AMEN as card carrying members of their fan club. In fact their second CD “There are no accidents…just fuckwits” was described by one John Stanier (The Mark of Cain, Helmet, Tomahawk) as “The greatest album ever – period”.

So what do they sound like? Hoo-boy. What they do not sound like: everything else! Thats right. This is a band that is ideologically and musically far left of the centre when compared to what else is out there. Try these for influences: Dub. Experimental. Free-jazz. Noise. Metal. Psychedelia. Punk. And usually thats just in one song! This is a band described by one famous scribe (Murray Engelheart) thusly: Nunchukka Superfly is from the sort of sonic place The Stooges were heading towards on the Funhouse album before bathroom floors and clinical psych assessments got in the way. It’s where Can and Ash Ra Tempel meet at some sort of cosmic equivalent of the crossroads where Robert Johnson allegedly sold his soul. It’s where Sun Ra would be if the Arkestra’s noise was routed in strings, sweat and electricity as opposed to reeds and windpipes. Its where former Black Flag guitarist, Greg Ginn pulled out his most out of left field fret moves. All with the really twisted pop – and yeah, it might be a stretch to use that term as a reference point here – of Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd with all relevant Interstellar Overdriveisms in full frontal view. Oh yeah, its as evil as hell.

So if this gig sounds like it’d be right up your alley, enter our competition to WIN a double pass! To go in the draw to score these tix, tell us the name of the first Nunchukka Superfly album released in 2008. Winners announced Thursday, 9 July at 5pm.