Local brewers BentSpoke have teamed up with entrepreneurs and researchers to develop a sustainable beer with a source of insect protein which claims to have anti-hangover agents as part of the 2019 Innovation Showcase.

Proudly born and brewed in Canberra, the team from BentSpoke represent Canberra’s flourishing craft beer scene on each of their cans, stating it’s the Canberra water supply which aids in making such a good brew. Now, you could say they have taken a leap forward, employing the ANU Research School of Biology to harvest yeast from Canberra air.

In it’s entirety, the innovative beer boasts local yeast; pear juice that claims to be a hangover relief product that uses the juice of the Korean pear to reduce the toxin Acetaldehyde in the body; cricket powder and dried black soldier fly larvae which are both excellent sources of protein and natural starch, plus are converted to sugar during the brewing process which means a reduced amount of barley malt is needed in the traditional brew.

The interesting, local and environmentally friendly beer will be launched at the Canberra Innovation Network’s 2019 Innovation Showcase on the 4  December at the BentSpoke Cannery in Mitchell.

Tickets can be purchased for $5 at 2019innovationshowcase.eventbrite.com.au with all proceeds going to Hands Across Canberra.