“This year I am going to lose ten kilos… I am giving up take-away foods and chocolate… and I will join a gym!”

Does this sound like you? Or was it a distant memory of resolutions made in years gone by? ‘Health Resolutions’ are easily made but sticking with them can be tough. That is why many people fail to see their New Year Resolution through.

Let’s look at ways to nail your 2014 resolution!

1) Buy a calendar. Use this exclusively for your goal. Mark on your calendar when you are going to get to the gym and what you will do there. For example – on Monday and Wednesday I am going to do a cycle class at 5:30pm. On Friday morning I’ll do a weights session. Every second Saturday I’ll get outside and go for a lake walk with a mate… Tick them off as you go.

2) Organise your weekly meals. Sit down one night each week and plan your weekly meals. Add them to your fabulous new calendar! Being organized with your meals minimizes the likelihood of dashing to the local pizza place several times a week. Organisation is the key to success, and it’s far less stressful thinking about what to have for dinner when you have a plan and the groceries are bought, in the fridge and waiting for you.

3) Pack a lunchbox every day. Packing a lunchbox is an easy way to get your 9-5 sorted. Make a salad sandwich, pack some fruit, a handful of nuts and a small yoghurt. EASY. Allow yourself one lunch out with a workmate each week or fortnight.

4) Don’t deprive yourself. Saying you are quitting chocolate (when it’s your favourite food) is madness… What you need to do is be mindful about your consumption of indulgent foods, and not eat copious amounts. Eat slowly and learn to savour your food. When people ‘quit’ their favourite food, it rarely lasts and often leads to a massive binge. Same rules apply for restaurants and take away meals – aim for once a week, not every night… Eat slowly and savour the experience. Zero deprivation.

5) Surround yourself with supporters, not saboteurs. Make sure that you don’t have ‘mates’ or family trying to derail your efforts. Hook up with people who will become part of your healthy approach. Find a walking buddy, a gym friend and a lunchbox mate…

This year, make it about organisation and preparation. Forget the deprivation and misery. Be mindful about your choices and plan ahead.

Do all these things and you will nail your resolution.

Lisa Donaldson APD
4 Kennedy St, Kingston