Unspeakable, louder than words was performed by Quantum Leap, the Australian Choreographic Centre’s youth ensemble at the Canberra Playhouse from the 1st-4th of August to full arenas.

Directed by artistic director Ruth Osborne and her assistant Vivienne Rogis, Unspeakableinvolves 36 young dancers ranging in age from 12 to 25, in work that has been commissioned from four emerging choreographers; Alice Holland, Paul Cordeiro, Marko Panzic and Vicki van Hout.

The main concept explored in this work is that of giving a voice to youth of today, in a society where they feel they are constantly being daunted and shushed by the expectations of what they should and should not say.

The ideas are played out dramatically and sometimes disturbingly by the passionate group, who were able to communicate their frustrations, thoughts and hopes through dance in this thought provoking, sometimes spine tingling performance.

Dealing with themes such as the increasingly mute techno-savvy generation and group-culture,Unspeakableused contemporary movement, disjointed audio and visual multimedia to explore these themes.

The contemporary dance talents of this young group is remarkable, sometimes flowing in a sea of young bodies, sometimes simply standing alone, the confidence and closeness of the Quantum Leap youth demands attention.

This insightful and energetic group have earned a voice and Canberra eagerly awaits their next production.